Source code for config

import traceback, ConfigParser, ast, time, os, sys
# configuration
DEFAULT_CONFIG = """[General]
command = java -jar minecraft_server.1.8.jar nogui
auto-restart = True
pre-1.7-mode = False
timed-reboot = False
timed-reboot-seconds = 86400
debug = False 
shell-scripts = False

;; Automatic backups with automatic backup pruning. Interval is in seconds. ;; 
enabled = False
backup-folders = ['', 'world', 'white-list.txt']
backup-interval = 3600
backup-notification = True
backup-location = backup-directory
backups-keep = 10

;; This allows your users to communicate to and from the server via IRC and vise versa. ;;
enabled = False
server =
port = 6667
nick = MinecraftServer
channels = ['#main']
command-character = !
show-channel-server = True
autorun-irc-commands = ['COMMAND 1', 'COMMAND 2']
obstruct-nicknames = False
control-from-irc = True
control-irc-pass = password

;; This kicks a player upon death. I don't recall why I implemented this. ;;
kick-on-death = False
users-to-kick = ['username1', 'username2', 'remove these usernames to kick ALL users upon death']
death-kick-messages = ['You died!']

;; This is a man-in-the-middle proxy mode similar to BungeeCord, but allows for extra plugin functionality. ;;
;; The server must be on offline mode. Make sure that the server is inaccessible directly from the outside world. ;;
;; Note: the online-mode option here refers to the proxy only, not to the server's offline mode. ;;
proxy-enabled = False
proxy-port = 25565
proxy-bind =
server-port = 25564
motd = Minecraft Server
online-mode = True
max-players = 1024

;; This is a web UI. ;;
enabled = False
bind =
port = 8070
password = blahblah98
public-stats = True"""

[docs]class Config: version = "0.7.2" buildType = "dev" # dev, beta, or release debug = False def __init__(self, log): self.log = log self.config = {} self.exit = False
[docs] def loadConfig(self): if not os.path.exists(""): # creates new The reason I do this is so the ordering isn't random and is a bit prettier f = open("", "w") f.write(DEFAULT_CONFIG) f.close() self.exit = True # open("", "a").close() self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value = True) self.parser.readfp(open("")) sections = ["General", "Backups", "IRC", "Death", "Proxy"] defaults = {"General":{ "command": "java -jar minecraft_server.1.8.jar", "auto-restart": True, "debug": False, "pre-1.7-mode": False, "timed-reboot": False, "timed-reboot-seconds": 86400, "shell-scripts": False }, "IRC":{ "enabled": True, "nick": "MinecraftServer", "server": "", "port": 6667, "channels": ["#main"], "command-character": "!", "obstruct-nicknames": False, "autorun-irc-commands": ['COMMAND 1', 'COMMAND 2'], "show-channel-server": True, "forward-commands-to-irc": False, "control-from-irc": False, "control-irc-pass": "password" }, "Backups":{ "enabled": True, "backups-keep": 10, "backup-location": "backup-directory", "backup-folders": ['', 'world'], "backup-interval": 3600, "backup-notification": True }, "Death":{ "kick-on-death": False, "death-kick-messages": ["You died!"], "users-to-kick": ["username1", "username2", "remove these usernames to kick ALL users upon death"] }, "Proxy":{ "proxy-enabled": False, "server-port": 25564, "proxy-port": 25565, "proxy-bind": "", "motd": "Minecraft Server", "online-mode": True, "max-players": 1024 }} # Removed from the list above until fully implemented. {"Web":{ "web-enabled": False, "web-bind": "", "web-port": 8070, "web-password": "usefulpass", "public-stats": True }} for section in sections: try: keys = self.parser.items(section) self.config[section] = {} for key in keys: try: self.config[section][key[0]] = ast.literal_eval(key[1]) except: self.config[section][key[0]] = key[1] except: traceback.print_exc() self.parser.add_section(section) self.log.debug("Adding section [%s] to configuration" % section) self.config[section] = {} self.exit = True for section in defaults: for item in defaults[section]: if item not in self.config[section]: self.config[section][item] = defaults[section][item] self.parser.set(section, item, defaults[section][item]) self.log.debug("Key %s in section %s not in - adding" % (item, section)) self.exit = True else: for key in keys: try: self.config[section][key[0]] = ast.literal_eval(key[1]) except: self.config[section][key[0]] = key[1] Config.debug = self.config["General"]["debug"] if self.exit:"Updated file - check and edit configuration if needed and start again.") sys.exit()
[docs] def save(self): self.parser.write(open("", "wb"))