Source code for api

import json, time, StringIO, nbt, items, storage, fnmatch
""" contains the majority of code for the plugin API. """
[docs]class API: """ The API class contains methods for basic plugin functionality, such as handling events, registering commands, and more. Most methods aren't related to gameplay, aside from commands, but for core stuff. See the Minecraft class (accessible at self.api.minecraft) for more gameplay-related methods. """ statusEffects = { "speed": 1, "slowness": 2, "haste": 3, "mining_fatigue": 4, "strength": 5, "instant_health": 6, "instant_damage": 7, "jump_boost": 8, "nausea": 9, "regeneration": 10, "resistance": 11, "fire_resistance": 12, "water_breathing": 13, "invisibility": 14, "blindness": 15, "night_vision": 16, "hunger": 17, "weakness": 18, "poison": 19, "wither": 20, "health_boost": 21, "absorption": 22, "saturation": 23 } colorCodes = { "0": "black", "1": "dark_blue", "2": "dark_green", "3": "dark_aqua", "4": "dark_red", "5": "dark_purple", "6": "gold", "7": "gray", "8": "dark_gray", "9": "blue", "a": "green", "b": "aqua", "c": "red", "d": "light_purple", "e": "yellow", "f": "white", "r": "\xc2\xa7r", "k": "\xc2\xa7k", # obfuscated "l": "\xc2\xa7l", # bold "m": "\xc2\xa7m", # strikethrough "n": "\xc2\xa7n", # underline "o": "\xc2\xa7o", # italic, } def __init__(self, wrapper, name="", id=None): self.wrapper = wrapper = name self.minecraft = Minecraft(wrapper) self.server = wrapper.server if id == None: = name else: = id
[docs] def registerCommand(self, name, callback, permission=None): """ This registers a command that, when executed in Minecraft, will execute callback(player, args). permission is an optional attribute if you want your command to only be executable if the player has a specified permission node. """ self.wrapper.log.debug("[%s] Registered command '%s'" % (, name)) if not in self.wrapper.commands: self.wrapper.commands[] = {} self.wrapper.commands[][name] = {"callback": callback, "permission": permission}
[docs] def registerEvent(self, eventType, callback): """ Register an event and a callback. See [doc link needed here] for a list of events. callback(payload) when an event occurs, and the contents of payload varies between events.""" self.wrapper.log.debug("[%s] Registered event '%s'" % (, eventType)) if not in[] = {}[][eventType] = callback
[docs] def registerPermission(self, permission=None, value=False): """ Used to set a default for a specific permission node. Note: You do not need to run this function unless you want certain permission nodes to be granted by default. i.e. `essentials.list` should be on by default, so players can run /list without having any permissions.""" self.wrapper.log.debug("[%s] Registered permission '%s' with default value: %s" % (, permission, value)) if not in self.wrapper.permission: self.wrapper.permission[] = {} self.wrapper.permission[][permission] = value
[docs] def blockForEvent(self, eventType): """ Blocks until the specified event is called. """ sock = [] self.wrapper.listeners.append(sock) while True: for event in sock: if event["event"] == eventType: payload = event["payload"][:] self.wrapper.listeners.remove(sock) return payload else: sock.remove(event) time.sleep(0.05)
[docs] def callEvent(self, event, payload): """ Invokes the specific event. Payload is extra information relating to the event. Errors may occur if you don't specify the right payload information. """ self.wrapper.callEvent(event, payload)
[docs] def getPluginContext(self, id): """ Returns the content of another plugin with the specified ID. i.e. api.getPluginContext(\"com.benbaptist.plugins.essentials\")""" if id in self.wrapper.plugins: return self.wrapper.plugins[id]["main"] else: raise Exception("Plugin %s does not exist!" % id)
[docs] def getStorage(self, name, world=False): """ Return a storage object for storing configurations, player data, and any other data your plugin will need to remember across reboots. Setting world=True will store the data inside the current world folder, for world-specific data. """ if world == False: return storage.Storage(name, False, root=".wrapper-data/plugins/%s" % else: return storage.Storage(name, True, root="%s/plugins/%s" % (self.minecraft.getWorldName(),
[docs]class Minecraft: """ This class contains functions related to in-game features directly. These methods are located at self.api.minecraft. """ def __init__(self, wrapper): self.wrapper = wrapper self.blocks = items.Blocks
[docs] def getWorldName(self): """ Returns the world's name. """ return self.wrapper.server.worldName
[docs] def isServerStarted(self): """ Returns a boolean if the server is fully booted or not. """ if self.wrapper.server: if self.wrapper.server.status == 2: return True return False
[docs] def processColorCodes(self, message): """ Used internally to process old-style color-codes with the & symbol, and returns a JSON chat object. """ extras = [] bold = False italic = False underline = False obfuscated = False strikethrough = False color = "white" current = ""; it = iter(xrange(len(message))) for i in it: char = message[i] if char is not "&": current += char else: extras.append({"text": current, "color": color, "obfuscated": obfuscated, "underlined": underline, "bold": bold, "italic": italic, "strikethrough": strikethrough}) current = "" try: code = message[i+1] except: break if code in "abcdef0123456789": try: color = API.colorCodes[code] except: color = "white" if code == "k": obfuscated = True elif code == "l": bold = True elif code == "m": strikethrough = True elif code == "n": underline = True elif code == "o": italic = True elif code == "&": current += "&" elif code == "r": bold = False italic = False underline = False obfuscated = False strikethrough = False color = "white" extras.append({"text": current, "color": color, "obfuscated": obfuscated, "underlined": underline, "bold": bold, "italic": italic, "strikethrough": strikethrough}) return json.dumps({"text": "", "extra": extras})
[docs] def console(self, string): """ Run a command in the Minecraft server's console. """ try: except: pass
[docs] def setBlock(self, x, y, z, tileName, dataValue=0, oldBlockHandling="replace", dataTag={}): """ Sets a block at the specified coordinates with the specific details. Will fail if the chunk is not loaded. """"setblock %d %d %d %s %d %s %s" % (x, y, z, tileName, dataValue, oldBlockHandling, json.dumps(dataTag).replace('"', "")))
[docs] def giveStatusEffect(self, player, effect, duration=30, amplifier=30): """ Gives the specified status effect to the specified target. """ if type(effect) == int: effectConverted = str(effect) else: try: effectConverted = int(effect) except: # a non-number was passed, so we'll figure out what status effect it was in word form if effect in API.statusEffects: effectConverted = str(API.statusEffects[effect]) else: raise Exception("Invalid status effect given!") if int(effectConverted) > 24 or int(effectConverted) < 1: raise Exception("Invalid status effect given!")"effect %s %s %d %d" % (player, effectConverted, duration, amplifier))
[docs] def summonEntity(self, entity, x=0, y=0, z=0, dataTag={}): """ Summons an entity at the specified coordinates with the specified data tag. """"summon %s %d %d %d %s" % (entity, x, y, z, json.dumps(dataTag)))
[docs] def message(self, destination="", json_message={}): """ **THIS METHOD WILL BE CHANGED.** Used to message some specific target. """ self.console("tellraw %s %s" % (destination, json.dumps(json_message)))
[docs] def broadcast(self, message="", irc=False): """ Broadcasts the specified message to all clients connected. message can be a JSON chat object, or a string with formatting codes using the & as a prefix. Setting irc=True will also broadcast the specified message on IRC channels that is connected to. Formatting might not work properly. """ if irc: try: self.wrapper.irc.msgQueue.append(message) except: pass if isinstance(message, dict):"tellraw @a %s" % json.dumps(message)) else:"tellraw @a %s" % self.processColorCodes(message))
[docs] def teleportAllEntities(self, entity, x, y, z): """ Teleports all of the specific entity type to the specified coordinates. """"tp @e[type=%s] %d %d %d" % (entity, x, y, z)) # def teleportPlayer(self): # pass # def getPlayerDat(self, name): # pass
[docs] def getPlayer(self, username=""): """ Returns the player object of the specified logged-in player. Will raise an exception if the player is not logged in. """ try: return self.wrapper.server.players[str(name)] except: raise Exception("No such player %s is logged in" % name)
[docs] def lookupUUID(self, uuid): """ Returns the username from the specified UUID. If the player has never logged in before and isn't in the user cache, it will poll Mojang's API. The function will raise an exception if the UUID is invalid. """ return self.wrapper.proxy.lookupUUID(uuid)
[docs] def getPlayers(self): # returns a list of players """ Returns a list of the currently connected players. """ return self.wrapper.server.players # get world-based information
[docs] def getLevelInfo(self, worldName=False): """ Return an NBT object of the world's level.dat. """ if not worldName: worldName = self.wrapper.server.worldName if not worldName: raise Exception("Server Uninitiated") f = nbt.NBTFile("%s/level.dat" % worldName, "rb") return f["Data"]
[docs] def getSpawnPoint(self): """ Returns the spawn point of the current world. """ return (int(str(self.getLevelInfo()["SpawnX"])), int(str(self.getLevelInfo()["SpawnY"])), int(str(self.getLevelInfo()["SpawnZ"])))
[docs] def getTime(self): """ Returns the time of the world in ticks. """ return int(str(self.getLevelInfo()["Time"])) #def getBlock(self, x, y, z): # """ UNIMPLEMENTED FUNCTION. """ # # this function doesn't really work well yet #"testforblock %d %d %d air" % (x, y, z)) # while True: # event = self.api.blockForEvent("server.consoleMessage") # def args(i): # try: return event["message"].split(" ")[i] # except: return "" # if args(3) == "The" and args(4) == "block" and args(6) == "%d,%d,%d" % (x, y, z): # return {"block": args(8)}
[docs] def getServer(self): """ Returns the server object. """ return self.wrapper.server
[docs]class Player: """ Player objects contains methods and data of a currently logged-in player. This object is destroyed upon logging off. """ def __init__(self, username, wrapper): self.wrapper = wrapper self.server = wrapper.server self.permissions = wrapper.permissions = username self.username = # just an alias - same variable self.loggedIn = time.time() self.uuid = self.wrapper.getUUID(username) self.client = None for client in self.wrapper.proxy.clients: if client.username == username: self.client = client self.uuid = client.uuid break = storage.Storage(self.uuid, root="wrapper-data/players") if "firstLoggedIn" not in["firstLoggedIn"] = (time.time(), time.tzname) def __str__(self): return self.username def getClient(self): if self.client == None: for client in self.wrapper.proxy.clients: try: if client.username == username: self.client = client return self.client except: pass else: return self.client
[docs] def processColorCodes(self, message): """ Used internally to process old-style color-codes with the & symbol, and returns a JSON chat object. """ message = message.encode('ascii', 'ignore') extras = [] bold = False italic = False underline = False obfuscated = False strikethrough = False color = "white" current = ""; it = iter(xrange(len(message))) for i in it: char = message[i] if char is not "&": current += char else: extras.append({"text": current, "color": color, "obfuscated": obfuscated, "underlined": underline, "bold": bold, "italic": italic, "strikethrough": strikethrough}) current = "" code = message[i+1] if code in "abcdef0123456789": try: color = API.colorCodes[code] except: color = "white" if code == "k": obfuscated = True if code == "l": bold = True if code == "m": strikethrough = True if code == "n": underline = True if code == "o": italic = True if code == "r": bold = False italic = False underline = False obfuscated = False strikethrough = False color = "white" if code == "&": current += "&" extras.append({"text": current, "color": color, "obfuscated": obfuscated, "underlined": underline, "bold": bold, "italic": italic, "strikethrough": strikethrough}) return json.dumps({"text": "", "extra": extras})
def processColorCodesOld(self, message): # Not sure if this is used anymore. Might delete. for i in API.colorCodes: message = message.replace("&" + i, "\xc2\xa7" + i) return message
[docs] def getPosition(self): """ Returns a tuple of the player's current position. """ return self.getClient().position
[docs] def getGamemode(self): """ Returns the player's current gamemode. """ return self.getClient().gamemode
[docs] def getDimension(self): """ Returns the player's current dimension. -1 for Nether, 0 for Overworld, and 1 for End. """ return self.getClient().dimension
[docs] def setGamemode(self, gm=0): """ Sets the user's gamemode. """ if gm in (0, 1, 2, 3): self.client.gamemode = gm"gamemode %d %s" % (gm, self.username))
[docs] def setResourcePack(self, url): """ Sets the player's resource pack to a different URL. If the user hasn't already allowed resource packs, the user will be prompted to change to the specified resource pack. Probably broken right now. """ self.client.send(0x3f, "string|bytearray", ("MC|RPack", url))
[docs] def isOp(self): """ Returns whether or not the player is currently a server operator. """ operators = json.loads(open("ops.json", "r").read()) for i in operators: if i["uuid"] == self.uuid or i["name"] == self.username: return True return False # Visual notifications
[docs] def message(self, message=""): if isinstance(message, dict):"tellraw %s %s" % (self.username, json.dumps(message))) else:"tellraw %s %s" % (self.username, self.processColorCodes(message)))
[docs] def actionMessage(self, message=""): if self.getClient().version > 10: self.getClient().send(0x02, "string|byte", (json.dumps({"text": self.processColorCodesOld(message)}), 2))
[docs] def setVisualXP(self, progress, level, total): if self.getClient().version > 10: self.getClient().send(0x1f, "float|varint|varint", (progress, level, total)) else: self.getClient().send(0x1f, "float|short|short", (progress, level, total))
[docs] def openWindow(self, type, title, slots): self.getClient().windowCounter += 1 if self.getClient().windowCounter > 200: self.getClient().windowCounter = 2 if self.getClient().version > 10: self.getClient().send(0x2d, "ubyte|string|json|ubyte", (self.getClient().windowCounter, "0", {"text": title}, slots)) return None # return a Window object soon # Abilities & Client-Side Stuff
[docs] def setPlayerFlying(self, fly): # UNFINISHED FUNCTION if fly: self.getClient().send(0x13, "byte|float|float", (255, 1, 1)) else: self.getClient().send(0x13, "byte|float|float", (0, 1, 1))
[docs] def setBlock(self, position): # Unfinished function, will be used to make phantom blocks visible ONLY to the client pass # Inventory-related actions. These will probably be split into a specific Inventory class.
[docs] def getItemInSlot(self, slot): return self.getClient().inventory[slot]
[docs] def getHeldItem(self): """ Returns the item object of an item currently being held. """ return self.getClient().inventory[36 + self.getClient().slot] # Permissions-related
[docs] def hasPermission(self, node): """ If the player has the specified permission node (either directly, or inherited from a group that the player is in), it will return the value (usually True) of the node. Otherwise, it returns False. """ if node == None: return True uuid = str(self.uuid) if uuid in self.permissions["users"]: for perm in self.permissions["users"][uuid]["permissions"]: if node in fnmatch.filter([node], perm): return self.permissions["users"][uuid]["permissions"][perm] if uuid not in self.permissions["users"]: return False for group in self.permissions["users"][uuid]["groups"]: for perm in self.permissions["groups"][group]["permissions"]: if node in fnmatch.filter([node], perm): return self.permissions["groups"][group]["permissions"][perm] for perm in self.permissions["groups"]["Default"]["permissions"]: if node in fnmatch.filter([node], perm): return self.permissions["groups"]["Default"]["permissions"][perm] for id in self.wrapper.permission: if node in self.wrapper.permission[id]: return self.wrapper.permission[id][node] return False
[docs] def hasGroup(self, group): """ Returns a boolean of whether or not the player is in the specified permission group. """ for uuid in self.permissions["users"]: if uuid == self.uuid: return group in self.permissions["users"][uuid]["groups"]
[docs] def getGroups(self): """ Returns a list of permission groups that the player is in. """ for uuid in self.permissions["users"]: if uuid == self.uuid: return self.permissions["users"][uuid]["groups"] return [] # If the user is not in the permission database, return this # Player Information
[docs] def getFirstLogin(self): """ Returns a tuple containing the timestamp of when the user first logged in for the first time, and the timezone (same as time.tzname). """ return["firstLoggedIn"] # Cross-server commands
[docs] def connect(self, ip, address): """ Upon calling, the player object will become defunct and the client will be transferred to another server (provided it has offline-mode turned on). """ self.client.connect(ip, address)