config module

class config.Config(log)[source]
buildType = 'dev'
debug = False
version = '0.7.2'
config.DEFAULT_CONFIG = "[General]\ncommand = java -jar minecraft_server.1.8.jar nogui\nauto-restart = True\npre-1.7-mode = False\ntimed-reboot = False\ntimed-reboot-seconds = 86400\ndebug = False \nshell-scripts = False\n\n[Backups]\n;; Automatic backups with automatic backup pruning. Interval is in seconds. ;; \nenabled = False\nbackup-folders = ['', 'world', 'white-list.txt']\nbackup-interval = 3600\nbackup-notification = True\nbackup-location = backup-directory\nbackups-keep = 10\n\n[IRC]\n;; This allows your users to communicate to and from the server via IRC and vise versa. ;;\nenabled = False\nserver =\nport = 6667\nnick = MinecraftServer\nchannels = ['#main']\ncommand-character = !\nshow-channel-server = True\nautorun-irc-commands = ['COMMAND 1', 'COMMAND 2']\nobstruct-nicknames = False\ncontrol-from-irc = True\ncontrol-irc-pass = password\n\n[Death]\n;; This kicks a player upon death. I don't recall why I implemented this. ;;\nkick-on-death = False\nusers-to-kick = ['username1', 'username2', 'remove these usernames to kick ALL users upon death']\ndeath-kick-messages = ['You died!']\n\n[Proxy]\n;; This is a man-in-the-middle proxy mode similar to BungeeCord, but allows for extra plugin functionality. ;;\n;; The server must be on offline mode. Make sure that the server is inaccessible directly from the outside world. ;;\n;; Note: the online-mode option here refers to the proxy only, not to the server's offline mode. ;;\nproxy-enabled = False\nproxy-port = 25565\nproxy-bind =\nserver-port = 25564\nmotd = Minecraft Server\nonline-mode = True\nmax-players = 1024\n"

[Web] ;; This is a web UI. ;; enabled = False bind = port = 8070 password = blahblah98 public-stats = True

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